Insect Prepared Microscope Slides

The following images were captured using a compound student microscope. These insect prepared microscope slides are included in the Insect Prepared Microscope Slide Kit. You can view all prepared microscope slide kits here.

Ant microscope slideAnt

This ant prepared slide was captured under the microscope at 40x magnification.







Earthworm microscope slideEarthworm

This earthworm prepared slide was captured under the microscope at 40x magnification.







Honeybee mouth microscope slide.Honey Bee Mouth

This honey bee mouth prepared slide was captured under the microscope at 40x magnification.







Mosquito mouth parts under the microscopeMosquito Mouth Parts

This mosquito mouth part prepared slide was captured under the microscope at 40x magnification.







Planaria under the microscopePlanaria

Planarians occur in fresh water and are sometimes seen in large masses. Some of these species are marine while others are terrestrial. They live in both fresh water and salt water ponds and rivers. This planaria prepared microscope slide was captured at 100x magnification.




All of the above prepared slides are available for purchase in the Insect Prepared Slide Kit.
